Distant Healing upon request

Hospital visits for Spiritualist healing also available

Spiritualist Healing and Absent Healing available on request:

Spiritual Healing is complementary to orthodox medicine; it must not be considered as an alternative. When you are unwell, you need to get assistance from the doctor. If you receive Spiritual Healing, this will complement your treatment, the two will work together to assist in your recovery. When we mention Healing of any sort, many people think immediately of making a person well due to a physical problem. This is true in part, but it is not the whole picture. When we mention “Spiritual”, many people immediately think of religion. With Spiritual Healing, this is not so. The Spiritual nature of mankind is all of those parts that are non – physical such as mind, emotions and the “life force”. Spiritual Healing can be administered to a person of any religious denomination or none at all. Religion and Faith take no part in a Spiritual Healing session and will not be discussed with you. Remember that the purpose of your visit is to receive Spiritual Healing, if you have a question, the Spiritual Healer will gladly answer it, but being brief may be necessary.
In accordance with “NHS Choices”, your Doctor has the right to refer you for Spiritual Healing if he feels it would be beneficial. You also have the right to request Spiritual Healing.The Healer will always encourage you to remain in touch with your Doctor. As previously mentioned, Spiritual Healing is complementary to medical treatment, so do tell your Doctor of any benefits that you may feel.The Doctor will always remain in control of your medical car

A Symbol of peace and repose

This is our perpetual symbol for those souls who paid the ultimate sacrifice for belief and freedom